The Federation of European Business in India (FEBI) was officially inaugurated on October 11, 2024, New Delhi, in a prestigious ceremony graced by Hon’ble Minister Shri Piyush Goyal, Minister of Commerce and Industry, and H.E. Hervé Delphin, Ambassador of the European Union to India. The event drew over 200 notable attendees, including EU Member State Ambassadors, European business leaders in India, senior government officials, including the EU-India Chief Negotiator, Satya Srinivas and leaders from bilateral chambers, Indian industry associations and sectoral councils.
During the event, FEBI announced the formation of Sectoral Committees and proudly welcomed Volvo as its 100th member, marking a pivotal moment for the Chamber’s growth and prospects.
(Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’ble Minister of Commerce and Industry, GoI. H.E. Hervé Delphin, EU Ambassador to India, Remi Millard, President FEBI, Sanjay Tiwari, Vice President FEBI, Sonia Prasha,r Secretary General FEBI)
Snippets from the Launch
- Union Minister Shri Piyush Goyal emphasized the potential for exponential growth in trade between Europe and India during the launch. He mentioned India’s goal to become a developed nation by 2047, with the economy projected to grow to US $ 35Tn, offering opportunities for European businesses.
- About the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations with the EU, the minister said that the focus should be on business and trade issues and not on extraneous items falling outside the remit of FTA, an official statement said. He added that two way trade between Europe and India can grow exponentially if both sides understand each other’s concern and cooperate meaningfully.
- Minister Goyal also remarked that with India offering a delta of opportunities in the trade, investment and manufacturing sectors, how FEBI can act as a facilitator in expanding the footprint of European companies in India, paving the way for shared prosperity and growth.
- EU Ambassador H.E. Herve Delphin highlighted that the EU is India’s largest trading partner and a major FDI source, accounting for 21% of total FDI. He emphasized the role of 4,500 European companies in India, which provide quality jobs to 6.7 million Indians, foster innovation, and drive economic growth through investment and talent development. FEBI announced its 100th member- Volvo
- President FEBI, Remi Maillard, in his address said, as the collective voice of Europe, FEBI’s mission is to harness the true potential of this dynamic relationship to the mutual benefit of Europe and India. FEBI will address transversal themes such as taxation, technical barriers and intellectual property as well as the specific needs of our member-companies. He added that FEBI is active in New Delhi and will also be active in the states to unlock the true potential of EU businesses in India. FEBI has reached out to the top ministries and departments of the Government of India to engage on our top priority matters. FEBI will endeavor to bring to all interactions a collaborative and solutions-driven approach.